Past Quarterly Programs

8/16/15 A DELICIOUS Presentation

8.16 Montage

“The Dutch Influence on the American Kitchen”

Sunday, August 16, 2015
2:00pm – 4:00pm in the Morey-Devereaux Barn

Also: Hearth Cooking Demo 12 to 2 in the old kitchen (see below)



Enjoy a delicious new twist to our Annual Membership Meeting and Presentation program on Sunday, August 16th, starting at 2:00pm in the Morey-Devereaux Barn. This unique presentation will feature author and food historian, Peter G. Rose and hearth cooking expert, Lavada Nahon.

Ms. Rose’s talk, “The Influence of the Dutch on the American Kitchen,” explores the food ways brought to America by the Dutch more than three centuries ago and the way these foods were adapted to the new circumstances. Slides of seventeenth-century Dutch art works depicting various foodstuffs are part of the lecture and provide a visual feast.
A discussion of the importance of old and hand-written cookbooks handed down in families is also part of the lecture. The audience is encouraged to bring any inherited family books or recipes.

Additionally, an actual table will be set as an example of period style dining (you may be surprised!) and will feature a menu of dishes “just prepared” in our 1794 Morey-Devereaux hearth and beehive oven. This delectable array of food will include: Assorted Breads; Turkey Dressed in Its Feathers; Spiced Chicken Raised Pie; Veal Meatballs in Head Lettuce; Dutch Coleslaw with a Butter Dressing; and Potage of Carrots and Beets.

Ms. Nahon also invites anyone who is interested in period cooking to arrive early and visit our 1794 kitchen from noon to 2:00pm. The wonderful dishes mentioned above will be prepared in real time, and observers are encouraged to ask questions and enjoy the ongoing demonstration prior to the presentation.

Light refreshments and special small “treats” from the old kitchen will be served following the presentation. Free and open to the public.

Peter Rose is a recipient of the 2002 Alice P. Kenney Award for research and writing on the food customs and diet of the Dutch settlers in New Netherland.